
A GIF Animation

Observe the animation of the three cars below. Which car or cars (red, green, and/or blue) are undergoing an acceleration? Study each car individually in order to determine the answer. If necessary, review the definition of acceleration.




Now that you've answered the first question correctly, try this one: which car (red, green, or blue) experiences the greatest acceleration?



As a final test of your understanding, consider the position-time graph at the right. Each one of the three lines on the position-time graph corresponds to the motion of one of the three cars. Match the appropriate line to the particular color of car.




For more information on physical descriptions of motion, visit The Physics Classroom. Specific information is available there on the following topics:

Other animations can be seen at the Multimedia Physics Studios. Other useful resources regarding the physics of motion is available through the Glenbrook South Physics Home Page.

This page was created by Tom Henderson of Glenbrook South High School.

Comments and suggestions can be sent by e-mail to
Tom Henderson.

This page last updated on 2/24/97.