#!/bin/sh # --- Begin of customization --- # --- Location of Java SDK JAVAROOT="/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_06" # --- Language for the interface LANGUAGE="" # Options are: # CN : Modern Chinese (Mainland China) # EN : English # ES : Spanish # DA : Danish # FR : French # GR : Greek # NL : Dutch # RU : Russian # TW : Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) # : Current locale # --- Working directory EjsDir="Simulations" # --- Location of the Taskbar. TASKBAR_POSITION="East" # Options are: Center North South East West # --- Whether to offer links to external applications External="" # Options are : or -externalApps # --- The directory where Matlab is installed in this machine MATLAB_ROOT="/Applications/MATLAB704" # --- End of customization --- # --------------------------------- # --- DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING --- if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ] then EjsLocale="-locale zh CN" LocaleClasspath="data/zh_CN.jar" elif [ "$LANGUAGE" = "DA" ] then EjsLocale="-locale da DK" LocaleClasspath="data/da_DK.jar" elif [ "$LANGUAGE" = "EN" ] then EjsLocale="-locale en EN" LocaleClasspath= elif [ "$LANGUAGE" = "ES" ] then EjsLocale="-locale es ES" LocaleClasspath="data/es_ES.jar" elif [ "$LANGUAGE" = "FR" ] then EjsLocale="-locale fr FR" LocaleClasspath="data/fr_FR.jar" elif [ "$LANGUAGE" = "GR" ] then EjsLocale="-locale el GR" LocaleClasspath="data/gr_GR.jar" elif [ "$LANGUAGE" = "NL" ] then EjsLocale="-locale nl NL" LocaleClasspath="data/nl_NL.jar" elif [ "$LANGUAGE" = "RU" ] then EjsLocale="-locale ru RU" LocaleClasspath="data/ru_RU.jar" elif [ "$LANGUAGE" = "TW" ] then EjsLocale="-locale zh TW" LocaleClasspath="data/zh_TW.jar" else EjsLocale= LocaleClasspath="data/alllocales.jar" fi # ------------------------------ EjsOptions="-iconsAt $TASKBAR_POSITION -elements elementsOrdered.txt $EjsLocale $External" EjsLib="data/osejs.jar:$EjsDir/_library/HotEqn.jar:$EjsDir/_library/ejsBasic.jar:$EjsDir/_library/external/matlab.jar:$EjsDir/_library/HTTPClient.jar" EjsPackages="$EjsDir/_library/ejsContrib.jar:$EjsDir/_library/ejsDisplay2d.jar:$EjsDir/_library/ejsMedia.jar:$EjsDir/_library/QTJava.zip:$EjsDir/_library/ejsWebCam.jar" EjsLibraries="$EjsLib:$EjsPackages:$LocaleClasspath" # ------------------------------ # next lines are needed to use Matlab from Ejs DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MATLAB_ROOT/bin/mac:$MATLAB_ROOT/sys/os/mac:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH #export PATH=$PATH:"$MATLAB_ROOT/bin" MATLAB_CMD="open -a X11;$MATLAB_ROOT/bin/matlab -display :0.0" java -classpath $EjsLibraries -Dcodebase=. -Duser.home="$EjsDir" -DEjs.MatlabCmd="$MATLAB_CMD" -Djava.library.path="./$EjsDir/_library/external:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" org.colos.ejs.osejs.Osejs $EjsOptions